Traverse City, MI

Bay Area Transportation Authority

In an effort to increase ridership and connect with regional transit providers, BATA undertook a complete system overhaul: a new brand, updated routes, and improved logistics were translated to signage throughout the system. As part of a consortium of local design, architecture, and communications consultants, Corbin Design was asked to develop the wayfinding logic and apply the information to signage and vehicles, then craft detailed standards for system expansion and change.

The new logic is memorable and straightforward: “Loop” routes circulate through downtowns and run on a regular schedule; “Link” routes connect rural riders to the downtown loops. This logic now jumps from the streetscape via bold brand colors and typography. This applies equally to buses and bus shelters using a combination of street furniture, maps, signage, and vehicle graphics.

The heart of the program is redesigned bus stop identification logic. Loop routes are identified by color, and each stop has a dedicated number to differentiate it throughout the region. Where multiple routes come together in a downtown setting, colors and numbers are stacked.

We also designed signage elements for BATA’s flagship transfer stations, bringing the brand to life and carrying the logic through highly visible and easily understandable signage. Working closely with BATA operations, we simplified the process of choosing a route, then boarding the correct bus to a given destination.

The consortium of marketing, design, and fabrication consultants include Align Marketing and Communications, Masters Design and ProImage Design, all of Traverse City.