Omaha, NE

University of Nebraska - Omaha

As the University of Nebraska-Omaha embarked on a campus rebrand, they recognized that the exterior environment did not live up to their new image standards. They looked to Corbin Design to help redesign the visitor experience.

We saw that the campus was bogged down with generations of different signage, depending on the vintage of a particular building or public space. Not only was this difficult to manage from a facilities standpoint, but the information was also out of date. We discovered that schools within campus didn’t share information and that pre-visit instructions were inconsistent, having little relationship to what a visitor ultimately saw in the environment. Together, these made a campus visitor’s experience difficult: whether a University Regent or a prospective student.

  • Campus entrances, previously hidden, now prominently feature the new UNO brand, the campus and entrance name, and electronic event information for students and the community.
  • Building identification pylons are visible at a distance for drivers and pedestrians. 
  • We renumbered campus parking lots and clarified rules for parking so visitors could be sure they were in the correct lot.
  • Electronic signs in visitor areas indicate where to park for a given event, and can be updated in real-time as lots become full.
  • Select pylons include a pedestrian map to orient visitors along the main campus walkway. This is the same map that appears online, in print and on interactive signage.
  • Prior to our involvement, interior signage was specified by project architects, resulting in an expensive mix of different products and designs. Establishing one standard saves time, money and enables UNO staff to maintain it.

We built a wayfinding team from across the UNO to review all types of visitor communications and share information: from the Welcome Center staff to the Website, a parking sign to an electronic building directory, the new UNO logic is consistently conveyed, and the visitor experience is much improved.

Our wayfinding signage standards capture the spirit of the revitalized UNO brand, creating a new utility on campus to help people find their way, simply and clearly.

I never pass up the opportunity to say “More is not better. Better is better.” We have had very positive feedback on the system. All in all the campus feels this was a great investment!

- Director, Facilities Management & Planning