Troy, NY

Hudson Valley Community College

Located in upstate New York, Hudson Valley Community College is a 136-acre, forward-thinking community college that needed a wayfinding overhaul. Starting in the summer of 2020, the Corbin Design team developed an entire exterior and interior wayfinding plan for the campus and off-site locations.

A significant component of this program was to highlight their campus entrances. The existing signage was dated and too small for the space. The college president and wayfinding team wanted gateway signage that matched the institution. Two large gateway signs were installed at the north and south entrances along Route 4, bookending the campus. These signs have large digital displays that can promote events, enrollment, and other marketing messages for the campus. The central entrance to the campus is primarily for first-time visitors and prospective students, so we designed an archway to complement the other gateways with the college identity and similar finishes.

The remaining exterior signage was installed as part of a second-phase rollout. Major updates included the application of building codes on exterior signs to match student schedules, building entrance identification at all public entrances to buildings, and reorganizing the alpha codes associated with parking lot logic.